Hello everyone who might be checking out this section of my channel. My online name is Reckless Yuki, a combination from my reckless nature in gaming and my middle name. I strive to bring the best quality possible with my content.
I have a love for gaming and anything related to it. I also really am interested in the tech side of gaming focused on the hardware. I love peripherals. I like to make gameplay videos as well as reviews on the hardware used in making those videos.
Thank you for visiting my channel.
Hello everyone who might be checking out this section of my channel. My online name is Reckless Yuki, a combination from my reckless nature in gaming and my middle name. I strive to bring the best quality possible with my content.
I have a love for gaming and anything related to it. I also really am interested in the tech side of gaming focused on the hardware. I love peripherals. I like to make gameplay videos as well as reviews on the hardware used in making those videos.
Thank you for visiting my channel.