Hello, I am Omer, I would like to share my experiences with you at this time when we are all closed to their homes.
I have been involved in Arm Wrestling for 24 years. Turkey have 16 wins. For those who want to learn how to defeat the competitors or those around them, I share the subtleties of this sport in detail on our channel. We do live broadcasts on Saturdays, questions and answers, match analysis and chat. We host World and European champions at certain times and ask them what you wonder. In addition, we listen to our guest and ask your questions about nutrition, sports and current life issues that we have determined on Mondays every 2 weeks.
In the future, we aim to host successful athletes from all branches.
About sponsorship,
omerustaomer@gmail.com - instagram.com/omerustaomer/
You can reach us at.
To Support Our Channel: www.bynogame.com/destekle/Omer-ustaomer