Fried Rice is an Asian network in Scandinavia which organises social events for Asians and all members in the network are also connected on a social network on the web, with over 12 000 members. www.FriedRice.se/ www.FriedRice.dk/
Fried Rice's mission is to bring together all young Asians in Scandinavia through our networks and our social events. We want to enable our members to reconnect to, keep in touch with and find new friends.
Company Overview
Fried Rice is an Asian network in Scandinavia who organise social events for Asians in different cities throughout Scandinavia. Right now there are two communities on the web, one for Sweden and one for Denmark.
Fried Rice as an event organiser started already in 1999, under different names, while the community in Sweden launched in 2005, and the one in Denmark in 2007.
Fried Rice is an Asian network in Scandinavia which organises social events for Asians and all members in the network are also connected on a social network on the web, with over 12 000 members. www.FriedRice.se/ www.FriedRice.dk/
Fried Rice's mission is to bring together all young Asians in Scandinavia through our networks and our social events. We want to enable our members to reconnect to, keep in touch with and find new friends.
Company Overview
Fried Rice is an Asian network in Scandinavia who organise social events for Asians in different cities throughout Scandinavia. Right now there are two communities on the web, one for Sweden and one for Denmark.
Fried Rice as an event organiser started already in 1999, under different names, while the community in Sweden launched in 2005, and the one in Denmark in 2007.