IslamInSpanish is an educational non-profit organization dedicated to "Educating Latinos About Islam Worldwide". IslamInSpanishTV is compiled of lectures, TV shows, classes and events offered by the organization. These programs are created for Latinos (Muslims & non-Muslims) in the Spanish language to obtain information about Islam. Please Like, Comment and Share!
Sermon semanal en Vivo cada Viernes a las 1:30pm CT
Jummuah Khutba Livestream every Friday 1:30pm CT
Clase Islamica Semanal en Vivo todos los domingos 11am CT
Weekly Islamic class in the spanish language every sunday 11am CT
IslamInSpanish does not tolerate any illegal or destructive messaging online or offline which incited violence or damage to any individual. organization, country, or government. We follow 501(c)(3) legal status in good standing with the federal laws that govern our day to day activities as we carry out programs and projects toward healthy collaboration between people toward the good of humanity