We are:
Emma from YOLO3AX (Prefered - Yolo)
Samuel Doherty from Samuel Doherty
Samthewolf (discord name) from Sam :D
Stewart from Stewified
Cường from VQC's Vids! (Prefered - VQC)
Arielle from luciana rosato
and Dennis from TOG3AX (Preferred - Tog)
We came together and create the "Gang of 7" YouTube Channel!
We will post content soon so stay tuned and subscribe!
(this should be our intro)
We are:
Emma from YOLO3AX (Prefered - Yolo)
Samuel Doherty from Samuel Doherty
Samthewolf (discord name) from Sam :D
Stewart from Stewified
Cường from VQC's Vids! (Prefered - VQC)
Arielle from luciana rosato
and Dennis from TOG3AX (Preferred - Tog)
We came together and create the "Gang of 7" YouTube Channel!
We will post content soon so stay tuned and subscribe!
(this should be our intro)