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Horse Whiskering and Ungulate Podiatry (Hoof Trimming)
Our approach to horses like most was traditional however as we became closer to our herd and began to listen and gain some understanding of how to communicate we discovered a whole new world of the Equine. Our approach in a word is holistic horse management and no longer traditional or trying to impress dead people!
Our horses are all iron-free, Bitless & Barefoot and we keep our horses in as natural a state as our resources can provide.
Our horses are our partners in life now mostly retired rescues and we try to pass on what we have learned from them about care and relationship to those people interested in creating a closer relationship with these beautiful sentient beings.
Slowly the herd is deminishing as time goes by and we have rehomed some horses which we follow to real horse people
We are anti-abuse to all animals.
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