🌿—> hey look it’s roasty otherwise known as christine✧˚ · .
who is this stranger on the internet called roasty christiney?
just a christian girl who likes books and art stuff with an inconsistent posting schedule
and she writes fantasy books only when she feels like it
and she might have an obsession with…
everything bagel seasoning
~John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that who shall ever believe in Him will not perish but have everlasting life~
your the egg to my everything bagel seasoning ❤️😍🥰
-Keeper of the Lost Cities
-The Lunar Chronicles
-The Hunger Games
-The Maze Runner
-The Chronicles of Narnia
-Skyborn Trilogy
-Skyward Series
-L.M. Montgomery books
-The Prison Healer
(And a neverending tbr)
So eggs 👻