李劲锋教授:剑桥大学电子工程博士, 钢琴家,国家级青年人才。擅长即兴创作/编曲/演奏跨时代感的中国音乐,其音乐自媒体: Cambridge李劲锋,全网关注者超过125万,播放量超过3亿。在海内外即兴编曲演奏家乡音乐十五载,以钢琴为载体,弘扬中华传统文化。曾获澳门国际青少年钢琴大赛金奖、海泰杯国际非职业钢琴比赛青年组国际亚军。多次受邀在伦敦威斯敏斯特中央大厅、伦敦Princess Alexandra Hall、伦敦市政厅、剑桥Corn Exchange、West Road Concert Hall、武汉琴台音乐厅等国内外知名音乐厅演出,任剑桥大学沃夫森学院及休斯大厅音乐会钢琴家。在扬子晚报、中央广播电视总台粤港澳大湾区之声、南方都市报、新华报业网、中国新闻网、中国青年网等官媒均有专题报道。
Prof. Jinfeng Li is a Cambridge Trust Scholar, an Engineering Scientist, and an authority on liquid crystals-based microwave and millimeter-wave technology. He received the Ph.D. degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Cambridge. He is also a Concert Pianist and Composer with over 20 piano recitals across China and the UK (2004 - now), including Central Hall Westminster, Princess Alexandra Hall, London Guildhall, Cambridge Corn Exchange, West Road Concert Hall, and Wuhan Qintai Concert Hall etc. His personal piano channels (Cambridge李劲锋) have over 1.25 million followers and 300 million views for most popular videos.