It's all about JESUS CHRIST, the preparation of His Bride and the rapture of His Church. The Wise men (Daniel's Magi) looked to the heavens and foresaw the Messiah's birth. That which was done before will be done again, there is nothing new under the sun. The heavens declare the glory of God and the universe is declaring that the Messiah is coming.
The world has far more information but has become far less wise. Wisdom is scarce in the world these days because foolish men have forgotten the Bible. Praise be to God the Father and Jesus Christ that we can use social media as a means for fellowship. I'm not a pastor or a prophet or a teacher. I'm a servant of the LORD Jesus Christ and I love the Word of God. This channel is my labor of love which I would like to share with the Public. The work itself is my reward.
Jesus died for whoever reads these words. Your sins have been paid for if you would accept His finished work on the cross. Have you? And if not, will you?
It is finished.
It's all about JESUS CHRIST, the preparation of His Bride and the rapture of His Church. The Wise men (Daniel's Magi) looked to the heavens and foresaw the Messiah's birth. That which was done before will be done again, there is nothing new under the sun. The heavens declare the glory of God and the universe is declaring that the Messiah is coming.
The world has far more information but has become far less wise. Wisdom is scarce in the world these days because foolish men have forgotten the Bible. Praise be to God the Father and Jesus Christ that we can use social media as a means for fellowship. I'm not a pastor or a prophet or a teacher. I'm a servant of the LORD Jesus Christ and I love the Word of God. This channel is my labor of love which I would like to share with the Public. The work itself is my reward.
Jesus died for whoever reads these words. Your sins have been paid for if you would accept His finished work on the cross. Have you? And if not, will you?
It is finished.