"A Greek, a Russian and a German walk into a bar..." What starts out like a bad joke is actually a quite exact description of The Helldozers' hour of birth. In 2010, Atha Vassiliadis (guitar), Anton Rynskiy (vocals), and Philipp Reissfelder (guitar), everyone of them a seasoned musician in his own right, met in Cologne, Germany, got wasted, and decided to record some songs. Relying heavily on their national beverages, they created their very own kind of riff oriented groove metal, infused with stoner and southern rock elements.
"A Greek, a Russian and a German walk into a bar..." What starts out like a bad joke is actually a quite exact description of The Helldozers' hour of birth. In 2010, Atha Vassiliadis (guitar), Anton Rynskiy (vocals), and Philipp Reissfelder (guitar), everyone of them a seasoned musician in his own right, met in Cologne, Germany, got wasted, and decided to record some songs. Relying heavily on their national beverages, they created their very own kind of riff oriented groove metal, infused with stoner and southern rock elements.