Alexander Hamilton
Are you Aaron Burr sir?
I'm not throwing away my shot
Have another round tonight
The Schuyler sisters
Hear Ye Hear Ye
Empires Fall
I'm gonna need a right hand man
Aye Aye
You are the worst, Burr
Wait for it
Stay alive...
Ten duel commandments
Meet me inside
That would be enough
I'm taking this horse making red coats redder with blood stains
Who lives who dies who tells your story
So the world turns upside down
Awesome wow
Dear theodosia
Mr Jefferson
Welcome to the present we're running a real nation
Take a break
Say no to this
I wanna be in the room where it happened
Grandpa just lost a seat in the senate
If you dont know... now you know
It must be nice
One last time
John Addams?
Welcome folks to the Addams administration
Promise not to tell another soul what you saw
In the eye of the hurricane there is quiet
I'm watching it burn
Everything is legal in New Jersey
Stay alive!
It's quiet uptown
It's only a matter of timeeeee