Welcome to my official channel! I'm a 24-year old South African gamer, mainly posts PS4 gameplay (PSN: Faizter); sometimes uploads funny videos from time to time :D
100 subs - 17/04/2017
200 subs - 11/03/2018
250 subs - 09/05/2018
1000 subs - 06/07/2019
2000 subs - 08/03/2020
2500 subs - 19/04/2020
5000 subs - 14/08/2020
10K - 12/02/2021
Plays TEKKEN, Mario Kart Wii (Retro Rewind), Fall Guys, Call of Duty Mobile and various gacha.
Here's an old project my classmates did in 2010. Use this link to view the video: