EbonyNewsChannel was started as a channel to inform African people in the diaspora regarding problems that we face - and to inform you so that you can begin to use your creative gifts to come up with SOLUTIONS!
This channel is not for those who are not Afrikan people- also not for black people who ARE Afrikans, but deny being Afrikans because you really hate yourselves & buy the White Supremacists' campaign of Afrikan "inferiority." Do not waste your time here if you do not find this channel to be of constructive value.
I AM NOT HERE TO BE YOUR FRIEND OR FOR YOUR APPROVAL- Your opinions will not change my mission or purpose. If you don't find it constructive- START YOUR OWN CHANNEL.- Black people have too many problems to waste time on things that you do not find to be constructive. If you don't see this channel as constructive there are MILLIONS of channels on YT. Find one you like and camp out THERE.
Better yet, instead of being another GREAT SPECATATOR, DO SOMETHING!!!
WHY INTERRACIAL RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN BLACK FEMALES & WHITE MEN ARE BEING PROMOTED SO AGGRESSIVELY ( Elimination of the Negro- published 100 years ago!) ebonynewschannel.blogspot.com/2010/08/black-women-…
"Only a FOOL ignores his history and the history of his people. Only the CONQUERED and mastered seek the approval and acceptance of those who have always sought to to master and conquer them. Only a fool supports the system and people that maintain his & her own people's oppression & degradation." - ME! Ebby.
A Treasure chest of Mp3s & Video of the African warriors that came before us: Angela Davis, Fannie Lou Hamer, the Black Panthers; negroartist.com/black%20panthers/black%20panthers.…
EbonyNewsChannel was started as a channel to inform African people in the diaspora regarding problems that we face - and to inform you so that you can begin to use your creative gifts to come up with SOLUTIONS!
This channel is not for those who are not Afrikan people- also not for black people who ARE Afrikans, but deny being Afrikans because you really hate yourselves & buy the White Supremacists' campaign of Afrikan "inferiority." Do not waste your time here if you do not find this channel to be of constructive value.
I AM NOT HERE TO BE YOUR FRIEND OR FOR YOUR APPROVAL- Your opinions will not change my mission or purpose. If you don't find it constructive- START YOUR OWN CHANNEL.- Black people have too many problems to waste time on things that you do not find to be constructive. If you don't see this channel as constructive there are MILLIONS of channels on YT. Find one you like and camp out THERE.
Better yet, instead of being another GREAT SPECATATOR, DO SOMETHING!!!
WHY INTERRACIAL RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN BLACK FEMALES & WHITE MEN ARE BEING PROMOTED SO AGGRESSIVELY ( Elimination of the Negro- published 100 years ago!) ebonynewschannel.blogspot.com/2010/08/black-women-…
"Only a FOOL ignores his history and the history of his people. Only the CONQUERED and mastered seek the approval and acceptance of those who have always sought to to master and conquer them. Only a fool supports the system and people that maintain his & her own people's oppression & degradation." - ME! Ebby.
A Treasure chest of Mp3s & Video of the African warriors that came before us: Angela Davis, Fannie Lou Hamer, the Black Panthers; negroartist.com/black%20panthers/black%20panthers.…