Welcome! I am an Astrologer and Tarot and Oracle card reader who provides Week Ahead Tarot and Oracle Card Readings (predictions) for each Zodiac sign.
My journey has been a long one and for most of the time I was filled with self-doubt and fear. Sometimes I still am. Finding tarot and astrology helped connect me to experiences outside of my fear. I hope I can bring that same connection to you. I've been reading cards for years now and learning about astrology my whole life. It was a natural curiosity for me that made me feel closer to the world around me, especially those aspects of the world I can't see. Tarot is similar. It helps me put into words those things that I feel so intensely but have a hard time explaining. Born without Boundaries (BwoB) was born out of a realization that I was hard-wired to allow too much in. BwoB is my journey toward self-respect and self-realization. Join me. We can grow together.