Geneo is the best of online learning platform, which is helping students learn at their own pace. It is a content-rich online learning platform for schools and CBSE students of classes 5 to 10. Geneo has NCERT textbooks in a digitized format, mapped to the CBSE syllabus with live classes, audio visual content, animated learning videos, self-assessment tests, and much more.
Geneo benefits all stakeholders in the education ecosystem, like teachers, schools, students, and parents. We offer a teacher training module meant to help teachers to update their pedagogy. The Learning Management System for schools helps them gauge each student's progress and knowledge levels.
Geneo is effective as both an in-school as well as after-school learning solution. It empowers teachers and schools through digital tools to make sure better teaching-learning outcomes. With Geneo, learning becomes fun and immersive because learners get a plethora of content to choose from.