All stories and songs of our videos are originally written by us. All animations, voiceovers, sound effects, music, songs of our videos are also originally created by us.
None of our videos is auto-generated. It takes us whole 2 days of work and lots of writing, animating, editing, voicing, dubbing, imagination and creativity to create a short video. We use many softwares and tools to create animations and audio.
We own our content, and we allow green screen and other shorts remixes. So, please don't copy our stories and please don't reupload our audio or video as your own🙏, otherwise you might get copyright claims.
All stories are fictional and created for entertainment purpose only. Visuals of our Music Videos are just Photorealistic Animations and the Models shown in our music videos are not real people. The same way, animals shown in our story videos are not real animals.
Email for copyright issues/other enquiries (We don't do paid promotions):