Hiya, thanks for reaching out to my channel, here you will find a delightful array of DJ-mixed radio shows I've done over the years of uplifting trance music & Some videos with Happy Hardcore rave that was on FM Radio in Portsmouth UK at my old station I used to work at, Occasionally ill be playing my Playstation 5, normally you'll find it's a story-driven game, very much a tell-tale game, nothing with WAR or Cod, that's not my thing here, so if your looking for PEW PEW PEW you're in the wrong place if you like my channel, you'll hear it all the time from other youtubers so ill only say it once
Hiya, thanks for reaching out to my channel, here you will find a delightful array of DJ-mixed radio shows I've done over the years of uplifting trance music & Some videos with Happy Hardcore rave that was on FM Radio in Portsmouth UK at my old station I used to work at, Occasionally ill be playing my Playstation 5, normally you'll find it's a story-driven game, very much a tell-tale game, nothing with WAR or Cod, that's not my thing here, so if your looking for PEW PEW PEW you're in the wrong place if you like my channel, you'll hear it all the time from other youtubers so ill only say it once