- Please don't ask how do we make/record the matches or if we play online.
- TAS Definition (Taken from Wikipedia):
"A tool-assisted speedrun (abbreviated TAS) is a speedrun movie or performance of a video game produced by means of emulation and using features unavailable to regular players, such as slow motion or frame-by-frame advance of the gameplay, and re-recording of previous portions of a performance. The idea is that such "tools" compensate for human limitations in skill and reflex, facilitating gameplay techniques that are otherwise impossible or prohibitively difficult."
Our gamer tags:
- Karu
- D.E.P
- Mike
TAS Matches and More.
- Please don't ask how do we make/record the matches or if we play online.
- TAS Definition (Taken from Wikipedia):
"A tool-assisted speedrun (abbreviated TAS) is a speedrun movie or performance of a video game produced by means of emulation and using features unavailable to regular players, such as slow motion or frame-by-frame advance of the gameplay, and re-recording of previous portions of a performance. The idea is that such "tools" compensate for human limitations in skill and reflex, facilitating gameplay techniques that are otherwise impossible or prohibitively difficult."
Our gamer tags:
- Karu
- D.E.P
- Mike
TAS Matches and More.