Pokémon Go raid Challenges. A look into team compositions, examples of the best approach for the fast time to win using the minimum accounts required and some fun outside of the normal recommended type counters.
Pogo, obviously what we're doing.
Chef, my former profession where I use the same learned techniques in composing an evening's menu, execution and build my team structures in the same fashion. Dust/Candy are the salt & pepper, the evolved Pokémon are the ingredients, the set teams represent the composed dish, each account is responsible for their station, I then execute service coordinating the timing to ensure whatever Raid is before me is served the best knuckle sandwich ever. Always focused on the results, never wasting time making excuses.
Life, these same techniques transcend into all aspects of my life. Forethought, Mise en Place (everything in its place), Preparation, Care and ultimately the opportunity for Respect to be earned.