We must obey Jesus and be holy. Jesus says if you love me keep my commandments (John 14:15). Jesus says if you keep my commandments then you shall abide in my love (John 15:10).
Obedience is the top priority to God, from cover to cover in the Bible, and those that have right to enter into His kingdom will obey Him, Revelation 22:14, John 15:10, John 14:15, John 14:23, Hebrews 5:9. Obedience proves we love Jesus and that He truly is the Lord over our lives Luke 6:46-49. We are saved by grace which is through faith, and that faith without works is dead faith, James 2:14-26. Obedience is the key to remain in good standing, otherwise salvation can be lost as seen in the last parable in Matthew chapter 18, Luke 9:62, Rev 3:16, Rev 3:5, Rev 2:7, Rev 2:11, and there are many more verses proving this. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and to guide you he’s the best teacher. If your not sure if what I say is true ask the Holy Spirit for conformation.