Thanks for all the support!
Love you all and goodbye...
Hello! This is Soapstone!
What i do:
-Daycore Edits
-Nightcore Edits
-Request Song Edits(such as bass boost, earrape ect.)
(venty much)
^Remember im not a pro so please dont expect much.. Sorry to disappoint you.
⛛Channel des⛛
I run this channel for fun! and well, share my stuff!
Any of your comments or likes are my modivation!
I would heart every comment if i can!cuz y'all are so amazing! Don't let people say otherwise
Sub hits(yy/mm/dd)
Hit 50 subs:
Hit 100 subs:
Hit 500 subs:
Take care and have a nice day!
Thanks for all the support!
Love you all and goodbye...
Hello! This is Soapstone!
What i do:
-Daycore Edits
-Nightcore Edits
-Request Song Edits(such as bass boost, earrape ect.)
(venty much)
^Remember im not a pro so please dont expect much.. Sorry to disappoint you.
⛛Channel des⛛
I run this channel for fun! and well, share my stuff!
Any of your comments or likes are my modivation!
I would heart every comment if i can!cuz y'all are so amazing! Don't let people say otherwise
Sub hits(yy/mm/dd)
Hit 50 subs:
Hit 100 subs:
Hit 500 subs:
Take care and have a nice day!