I'm Aiming to be One of the Top Best Suyou Players of All time. Im on a journey pushing my stats with Suyou but as a soloQ player it gets harder and harder to push. But Im still gonna be on the Global Charts with Suyou hopefully soon. I wanna help master MLers who wanna Suyou and make it easy for them with my Tips and Tricks.
I'm A SoloQ player who can almost play all Roles and almost all the heroes. I test builds and cook combos and strategies of my own apart from the already working Pro builds and Strategies i also stream once a week and Trying to help players Upskill their Gameplay on MLBB.
#mobilelegendsbangbang #mobilelegends #mlbb #mobilelegendssuyou #mlbbsuyou #suyoumlbb #suyoumobilelegends #suyouml #suyou #suyougameplay #suyouguide #suyoubuild #suyouprogameplay #suyoushorts
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