There it was the solitary bystander
Observing the ways of wind and sea
Feeling the fragility of the human body
Warmth no longer near
Feeling the neutralism of the forces of nature
The wind blows, the sea crashes to rocks at shore
All cause and effect.
Who was she; this innocent bystander
She who dared venture out
Staring and gazing, is it not the same?
Trying to word it onto paper
Trying to capture a picture in motion
Till it stilled in words but not in heart.
She stood with arms abreast
Come to me, dear nature
Cherish me, take good care of me
For I believe that your might is great
Whence can you come from and
Whence can you end?
There must be a very plausible explanation
Of the history of creation
The cornerstone of existence.
The wind seeped into the sleeves of her dress
And she revelled in it
Hugged her arms closer
Her body swelled with love
O Life and everything in between!
I left it untitled,
To the unseen forces
Spiritual Jottings by
Calm and Relax your Spirit