The Dutch freethinkers association
The Dutch freethinkers association De Vrije Gedachte (The Free Thought) was founded in 1856. It is committed to promoting atheist humanism. Freethinkers examine reality through rational thought, without dogmatic or ideological prejudices. Freethinkers reject any conception of God. Therefore, De Vrije Gedachte consideres itself atheistic. The human individual is a central issue to De Vrije Gedachte. In that sense it is humanistic.
The Dutch freethinkers association
The Dutch freethinkers association De Vrije Gedachte (The Free Thought) was founded in 1856. It is committed to promoting atheist humanism. Freethinkers examine reality through rational thought, without dogmatic or ideological prejudices. Freethinkers reject any conception of God. Therefore, De Vrije Gedachte consideres itself atheistic. The human individual is a central issue to De Vrije Gedachte. In that sense it is humanistic.