IVAC Videos showing IVAC industrial vacuum units picking up and delivering your most difficult of materials including, sand, rock, gravel, slimes, sludges. Our industrial vacuum units offer a cost effective way to clean up your mine or industrial area. They are also very useful for environmental clean-up, railroads, oil frac sand, oil tanks, hydro vacuuming, the list of uses is endless and the IVAC Industrial Vacuums will perform above your expectations!
Our channels describe how our industrial vacs have moved rock, sand, gravel, cement, frac sand, animal manure, so as they say from soup to nuts our vacuum units offer you the best in air powered pneumatic vac systems. They are used the world over in many difficult material handling projects!
Call us at 604-628-3367/250-320-9569 email us at zereko@zereko.com or call toll free 1-888-502-2468