Welcome to my channel. My name is Steven. I'm from the flat Piney woods of SE Texas. I've been an R/C enthusiast for the majority of my life. From Toy's R Us Tyco to hobby grade nitro RC10 GTs. Here on my channel you'll see everything Radio Controlled. Sprinkled with my other hobbies and adventures. I hope you're ready for a dose of my chaos. Let's roll!?!
Welcome to my channel. My name is Steven. I'm from the flat Piney woods of SE Texas. I've been an R/C enthusiast for the majority of my life. From Toy's R Us Tyco to hobby grade nitro RC10 GTs. Here on my channel you'll see everything Radio Controlled. Sprinkled with my other hobbies and adventures. I hope you're ready for a dose of my chaos. Let's roll!?!