One stroke of destiny and a younger person is left highly incapacitated to stay a regular lifestyle. This incapacitates someone’s bodily mobility and the man or woman is limited to a wheelchair. Bowel and bladder disorder renders someone absolutely dependent on a caretaker. Skin sensation is lost.
Healing isn't simply required for the outer ache however additionally the internal anguish & frustration. The ache is past words & no person can realize the conflict that they combat day by day to steady an insignificant Normal lifestyle for themselves. Facing those daunting demanding situations together, guffawing and crying together, sharing, striving, and applauding every difference has been the adventure of Chandigarh Spinal Rehab. In this journey, 182 folks had been rehabilitated with a holistic method to heal them, physically, mentally, and emotionally. We are proud to say that 79% are dwelling a Productive, Dignified & Meaningful lifestyles today!!