Syed Sikandar Rizvi S/O Syed Amjad Hussain Rizvi Al-Mashadi was born on December 31,1985. He has learnt Quran, Hadees, Tafseer, Dream interpretation,ilm ul Adaad and Astrology from his father who has earned a great name in the domains of Astrology and numerology and has a scholarly grip on Islam
Sikandar Rizvi is connected to Saddat family, who migrated from Ambala, India. Sikandar Rizvi Taqvi Al Mashadi is a descendant of Hazrat Musa Mubarqah,AS, an ancestor of Hazrat Imam Muhammad Taqi,AS 8th Imam linking Prophet Muhammad SAW
Sikandar Rizvi is a re_known presenter and Motivational Speaker on Facebook and is an expert in Astrology, Numerology, and Norani ilm,Gemology,Extracted from Quran and Ahlebait.
💫 Our Services:
✅ Protection from Black Magic & Jinns
✅ Removal of Evil Eye & Negative Energy
✅ Astrological & Numerological Guidance for Success
✅ Spiritual Healing through Norani Ilm
Whatsapp :+92-313-033-1212
SaddiqTrade Center
Syed Sikandar Rizvi S/O Syed Amjad Hussain Rizvi Al-Mashadi was born on December 31,1985. He has learnt Quran, Hadees, Tafseer, Dream interpretation,ilm ul Adaad and Astrology from his father who has earned a great name in the domains of Astrology and numerology and has a scholarly grip on Islam
Sikandar Rizvi is connected to Saddat family, who migrated from Ambala, India. Sikandar Rizvi Taqvi Al Mashadi is a descendant of Hazrat Musa Mubarqah,AS, an ancestor of Hazrat Imam Muhammad Taqi,AS 8th Imam linking Prophet Muhammad SAW
Sikandar Rizvi is a re_known presenter and Motivational Speaker on Facebook and is an expert in Astrology, Numerology, and Norani ilm,Gemology,Extracted from Quran and Ahlebait.
💫 Our Services:
✅ Protection from Black Magic & Jinns
✅ Removal of Evil Eye & Negative Energy
✅ Astrological & Numerological Guidance for Success
✅ Spiritual Healing through Norani Ilm
Whatsapp :+92-313-033-1212
SaddiqTrade Center