I am a simple hobbyist, that has recently come back to the fold. ... J\k It's true and all, but that explanation is bit stuffy, isn't it?
Truth be told, I hadn't been around fish since my teen years, when my parents had anything from neons to goldfish, and from puffers to oscars, and well over 30 tanks. That is, until I decided to take in my brother's oscars, because I couldn't bear to part with them, as they'd out grown his community tank. I'd watched them grow up from the day he brought them home form the store, and they are SO awesome!
In doing to so, I have found a wonderful fishkeeping group of friends, here, on YouTube. My videos are simply, me sharing my wet pets, with my friends.
I am a simple hobbyist, that has recently come back to the fold. ... J\k It's true and all, but that explanation is bit stuffy, isn't it?
Truth be told, I hadn't been around fish since my teen years, when my parents had anything from neons to goldfish, and from puffers to oscars, and well over 30 tanks. That is, until I decided to take in my brother's oscars, because I couldn't bear to part with them, as they'd out grown his community tank. I'd watched them grow up from the day he brought them home form the store, and they are SO awesome!
In doing to so, I have found a wonderful fishkeeping group of friends, here, on YouTube. My videos are simply, me sharing my wet pets, with my friends.