Are we being brainwashed? Or have we all just lost our minds?
According to many authorities, since the late 1950's subliminal content has been tested and delivered through all forms of media, at an increasingly alarming rate. "PROGRAMMING THE NATION?" examines the purported uses, influences and potential subconscious side-effects of what's going on beneath the surface of adverting, film, music and political propaganda. Even the U.S. Military has been accused of using this technology in their Psychological Operations Unit, (PSY OPS) campaign.
This socially relevant documentary not only traces the history of this phenomenon, but seeks to determine the validity and potential threat that may or may not exist.
Are we being brainwashed? Or have we all just lost our minds?
According to many authorities, since the late 1950's subliminal content has been tested and delivered through all forms of media, at an increasingly alarming rate. "PROGRAMMING THE NATION?" examines the purported uses, influences and potential subconscious side-effects of what's going on beneath the surface of adverting, film, music and political propaganda. Even the U.S. Military has been accused of using this technology in their Psychological Operations Unit, (PSY OPS) campaign.
This socially relevant documentary not only traces the history of this phenomenon, but seeks to determine the validity and potential threat that may or may not exist.