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We would like to inform everyone that the content posted on this channel about manhwa, manhua and manga is created with the aim of sharing recommendations and analysis, however InkLegacyManhwa does not hold the rights to the manhwas, manhuas, mangas, images, audios and music. Videos are made for analysis, commentary and recommendation purposes. All credit goes to the original creators and publishers. No copyright infringement is intended. We believe this content falls under Fair Use under copyright guidelines.
We understand that intellectual property is important and if you are the rights holder and believe that the content used is violating your rights in any way, we ask that you contact us directly and action will be taken immediately. We ask that you do not retrieve copyright notices without first notifying us. Our goal is to promote these works and their authors, and not to infringe any copyright. Therefore, any constructive feedback will be greatly appreciated! 😊