Registered under Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (India) Registrar of Newspapers for India (RNI), is a Government of India and a statutory office under Section 19(A) of the Press & Registration of Books Act, 1867.
The Ancient Times is a multi edition and one of the famous English and Kannada Weekly Newspaper Published in India It was first launched in Bangalore, the capital city of Karnataka.
The Ancient Times news is published both offline and online. It gives the public to see the world in a new way.
The Ancient Times Popularity
The Ancient Times Newspaper is published both Offline and Online and it is also active on the major social networking sites i.e.. face book, twitter, YouTube etc. its online portal and e-paper are very popular among the readers throughout the world. Besides India, its e-paper readers are in the major places in the world like the UAE, the USA, the UK, Saudi Arabia etc.
Registered under Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (India) Registrar of Newspapers for India (RNI), is a Government of India and a statutory office under Section 19(A) of the Press & Registration of Books Act, 1867.
The Ancient Times is a multi edition and one of the famous English and Kannada Weekly Newspaper Published in India It was first launched in Bangalore, the capital city of Karnataka.
The Ancient Times news is published both offline and online. It gives the public to see the world in a new way.
The Ancient Times Popularity
The Ancient Times Newspaper is published both Offline and Online and it is also active on the major social networking sites i.e.. face book, twitter, YouTube etc. its online portal and e-paper are very popular among the readers throughout the world. Besides India, its e-paper readers are in the major places in the world like the UAE, the USA, the UK, Saudi Arabia etc.