Hello! I am Pax/Paxton Koneko! 8th grade/year 9 for the Brits
Pax (me): 14 (jan28)
Anna (bestie): 13 (may6)
Charlie (husband): 14 (dec29)
Miley (mum/friend): 15 (jan30)
Mav(bro/friend): 13 (jan31)
Pax jr (son): 12 (jun29)
Koi (bro): 8 (jun23)
Love my boyfriend
Other platforms/contact stuff:
Youtube (2nd channel): Totallynotpax
Reddit: Soupinasaucepan
Tiktok: felixisfluffy
Roblox: W3irdo_pax
Instagram: Defnotpaxx
Discord: Kittycatzzz987
Snapchat: Dullb0y.jackk
(Feel free to add/message me on any of those! I am completely open to chatting/being friends!)
Current interests:
Jordan Cunningham
Lambchop dog toy
Stray Kids
Danny Gonzalez
How I Met Your Mother