I made this channel to post random shit i felt like editing, that's not changing anytime soon, any specific trends in what i've been posting is a fluke and just a coincidence that i felt like editing those things. Most of the videos i make were inteded to be for me and my friends to enjoy, 16 subscribers was very comfortable for me and i didn't want to grow, that being said though i'm glad you all enjoy my content but seriously don't expect anything from me, if you go to my oldest videos you'll see there's a full year between some of them, there may be a time where i go without posting for a long long while. @pichugirl11 was my main channel, but as of 12/11/2023 i will be all but abandoning it due to the higher amount of subscribers on this channel, works i'm proud of from now on will be redirected to here so i guess look forward to that LOL. Anyway, Yu-Gi-Oh GX and Faith: the unholy trinity content is the only thing you can reliably expect to see here. ✌️😗✌️