Encouragement and instruction for people who desire a simpler church and a disentangled faith.
I oversee a network of microchurches called X242. We follow one path, four devotions, and two loves: We follow Jesus (the one path), we devote ourselves to scripture, fellowship, a common meal, and prayer (the four devotions), and we make it our mission to love God with all we are and love our neighbors with all we have (the two loves).
My wife and I live in Sarasota, Florida where we own and operate Main Street Creamery. We spend part of our time living nomadically, traveling the country in our fifth wheel to plant and encourage microchurches. If you'd like to show appreciation for this teaching channel you can give a financial gift to the X242 ministry at X242.net/support. Thank you!
#preaching #Jesusfollower #faith #deconstruction #spiritualdirection #earlychurch #microchurch #housechurch #sermon