I'm just a guy on the DC music scene, trying to make a living by taking as many gigs as I can. Sometimes you have to learn 40 songs in a week...
This channel is all about videos to quickly learn cover songs. There's no showing you every strum pattern, and some of these don't have every little part figured out. This is just a quick way for non-beginners to learn a lot of songs that you may have to learn in a flash for your cover band. The videos are straight to the point, without a lot of time wasted with no excessive talking about things. I've added time stamps to the lessons, so you can jump right to the part you want!
Some of these were made to show my sub guitarists how my bands play the songs (you'll hear this "Marty" guy mentioned often), some are here for me to remember them when I have to learn them over again in a flash. If you have any suggestions, send them my way.
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