TRIS COMPANY (Technical Resources of Industrial Solution) is a leading Russian manufacturer of vertical drilling tools and equipment (diameters range from 400 mm to 2500 mm) for BAUER, SOILMEC, CASAGRANDE, DELMAG, LIEBHERR, and other drilling rigs.
We also manufacture drilling tools with large diameters (400 mm to 4000 mm) for horizontal direction drilling (HDD) and horizontal auger drilling on Prime-drilling, Herrenknecht, American Augers, McLaughlin, Barbco, Bohrtec, and other drilling rigs.
Our company also manufactures custom-made complex and large-sized welded carbon steel structures, tailored in accordance with individual customer requirements.
Our company supplies drilling tools and other products to countries around the world. We have official representatives in Germany and countries of the Middle East.
For more information, visit our website or call us +7-926-291-47-91 Mr Alexey Yurkin