Hey there, if you're reading this my name is Nick, I used to make weather and EAS videos. I started this channel in 2011 and for many years I followed storms and collected weather radios, recording the obnoxious sounds they made and uploading them for others to watch. I made many friends and countless memories along the way, but alas I have moved on. The channel remains dormant, serving as a memory of my past, and maybe as entertainment for a new generation of enthusiast. If you've somehow stumbled along here, thanks for visiting, and thank you for the years of support and encouragement
Hey there, if you're reading this my name is Nick, I used to make weather and EAS videos. I started this channel in 2011 and for many years I followed storms and collected weather radios, recording the obnoxious sounds they made and uploading them for others to watch. I made many friends and countless memories along the way, but alas I have moved on. The channel remains dormant, serving as a memory of my past, and maybe as entertainment for a new generation of enthusiast. If you've somehow stumbled along here, thanks for visiting, and thank you for the years of support and encouragement