Ending stigma and raising awareness of mental health!
About Me:
Hi, I'm Kat! This channel is dedicated to raising awareness of mental illness, as well as promoting recovery to those who live with mental illness.
Disclaimer: I am not a professional. If you need professional help, please visit your primary care doctor or therapist. Everything I say on this channel is based on my experience and research on the topics discussed. The purpose of this channel is to promote recovery from mental illness, enjoy a community of like-minded people, and educate others on mental health-related topics. If there is an emergency, please call 911 or go to your nearest hospital.
I cannot diagnose you or act as a therapist for you. My videos are made to help you, but they are NOT a substitute for professional treatment.
You can find an OCD specialist at iocdf.org/find-help
You can find a mental health professional for any mental illness at therapists.psychologytoday.com/rms/
Ending stigma and raising awareness of mental health!
About Me:
Hi, I'm Kat! This channel is dedicated to raising awareness of mental illness, as well as promoting recovery to those who live with mental illness.
Disclaimer: I am not a professional. If you need professional help, please visit your primary care doctor or therapist. Everything I say on this channel is based on my experience and research on the topics discussed. The purpose of this channel is to promote recovery from mental illness, enjoy a community of like-minded people, and educate others on mental health-related topics. If there is an emergency, please call 911 or go to your nearest hospital.
I cannot diagnose you or act as a therapist for you. My videos are made to help you, but they are NOT a substitute for professional treatment.
You can find an OCD specialist at iocdf.org/find-help
You can find a mental health professional for any mental illness at therapists.psychologytoday.com/rms/