"Between the Pages" podcast is a talk show hosted by Aina Lillaney, where each episode delves deep into books and their authors. With insightful discussions , our young readers (guests) go beyond reviews, exploring themes, characters, and creative processes. It's a must-listen for book enthusiasts seeking engaging conversations about a wide range of genres and stories." Our aim is to encourage kids to read books and expand their horizons.
Contact us on btppodcastofficial@gmail.com for any feedback.
"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one." - George R.R. Martin
Welcome to "BTP" where every page brings something new.
To Participate in the show fill the form below and we will connect to you.
Together, we'll create a vibrant community that inspires and uplifts one another. Happy Reading !
"Between the Pages" podcast is a talk show hosted by Aina Lillaney, where each episode delves deep into books and their authors. With insightful discussions , our young readers (guests) go beyond reviews, exploring themes, characters, and creative processes. It's a must-listen for book enthusiasts seeking engaging conversations about a wide range of genres and stories." Our aim is to encourage kids to read books and expand their horizons.
Contact us on btppodcastofficial@gmail.com for any feedback.
"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one." - George R.R. Martin
Welcome to "BTP" where every page brings something new.
To Participate in the show fill the form below and we will connect to you.
Together, we'll create a vibrant community that inspires and uplifts one another. Happy Reading !