Bismillah this channel is to share my personal battle dealing with ayn, the witchcraft (sihr) & the Jinn that was sent with the sihr BI'IDNILLAH and how I use self ruqya to seek Gods cure 3/23/20 Day I found out.
Always seek professional help from your Doctor alongside the Ruqya! Self Ruqya is crucial even when working with a raqi it assists your next appointment do your part daily. Self reflect and repent from major sins do istigfar!
Ruqya Shariyah is Ruqya that is free from any forms of shirk and revolves around recitation of the Quran, the use of authentic supplications and the seeking of assistance and refuge in Allah alone NOT Relying On The Power Of The Ruqya
The ruqya, nor the person performing the ruqya (raqi), has the power or ability to cure. Both the Raqi and the person it is being performed on must firmly believe that it is God alone who has the strength and power to cure, and it is He alone who cures. One should not place their trust nor rely on the ruqya itself.