Elite Performance is a athletic training company based in Prince George, CA , focusing specifically on basketball performance training. Elite performance is known for physical, mental and basketball skill training . we are working with high school and university athletes and helping them to take their game to the next level. Sippy Mann is the founder of elite performance, he holds bachelors in Physical Education, Diploma in Kinesiology, Certified Personal Trainer and Athletic trainer and also Performance Enhancement Specialist. He is a professional Basketball player and working as head basketball coach and athletic trainer in prince George, Canada.
Elite Performance is a athletic training company based in Prince George, CA , focusing specifically on basketball performance training. Elite performance is known for physical, mental and basketball skill training . we are working with high school and university athletes and helping them to take their game to the next level. Sippy Mann is the founder of elite performance, he holds bachelors in Physical Education, Diploma in Kinesiology, Certified Personal Trainer and Athletic trainer and also Performance Enhancement Specialist. He is a professional Basketball player and working as head basketball coach and athletic trainer in prince George, Canada.