This is where I drop off the Let's Plays I do on the forums as davidspackage. I like doing Let's Plays of games that I loved back in the day, games that are obscure but I feel deserve a spotlight, and plain weird games I've played.
My style of Let's Play is fairly informative. I aim to give you a good impression what the game is about and maybe infect you with my love for it. Occasionally I do some silly stuff with my videos, usually towards the end of an LP, but I like keeping my videos about the game and not about me.
I really like feedback as I'm just another broken person seeking a modicum of validation on this cold and dark internet so the occasional comment is very much appreciated! I love you thiiiis much.
June 6th 2023: I recently got rid of my Twitter account because it became too much of a pit of despair, so Youtube and Somethingawful are now the only places you'll find me.