Welcome to our channel, everyone! My name is Fred, and I am currently based in Japan. I am passionate about creating miniatures of different scales, with a special focus on military action figures. Here, you will discover a wide array of miniatures and tutorials, all of which are handmade by me or customized to my specifications. I love miniatures like dioramas, furniture, facades, toys, and action figures. Whether you are a miniature enthusiast or simply appreciate small detailed creations, I invite you to subscribe to our channel and join our community.
Welcome to our channel, everyone! My name is Fred, and I am currently based in Japan. I am passionate about creating miniatures of different scales, with a special focus on military action figures. Here, you will discover a wide array of miniatures and tutorials, all of which are handmade by me or customized to my specifications. I love miniatures like dioramas, furniture, facades, toys, and action figures. Whether you are a miniature enthusiast or simply appreciate small detailed creations, I invite you to subscribe to our channel and join our community.