None of the following was written by Niko Papastefanou, to boast of oneself in the 3rd person is simply pretentious... (though he is looking over my shoulder right now...)
Niko has fearless comedic instincts that equally match his grounded dramatic performances both on screen and on stage, and of course when called for, some great improv skills. He was raised in NYC by a big Greek/Italian family, where he earned a BFA in acting from Pace University. Niko's a proud member of LGBTQ+ community.
Just a FEW highlights from his career so far: The unstable (to say the least) UNSUB on CBS's Criminal Minds, being directed by Danny A in "Blackjack: The Jackie Ryan Story," getting eaten to death by Doug Jones in Todd Tucker's "The Terror of Hallows Eve," and taught by Lesly Kahn herself where he thinks she described him as either yummy or funny, he didn't quite hear her when she said this but either one makes him blush. (Oh good, he's on the phone... I'm gonna get out of here before he