Thank you for checking out The Swedish Investor. My name is Erik Abrahamsson, and on this channel, I will share with you the most successful strategies for taking your finances to the next level in (well, hopefully) a simple and enjoyable way. Here, you will find time-tested investing advice from our time's most successful money managers and investors.
My stock market returns vs S&P 500 (pre-tax, after transaction costs):
2013-08: 8.5% (9.2)
2014: 6.9% (13.5)
2015: 79.5% (1.3)
2016: 16.8% (12)
2017: 10% (21.7)
2018: 1.4% (-4.6)
2019: 18.5% (31.2)
2020: 14.1% (18.4)
2021: 31.9% (28.8)
2022: 4.6% (-18.2)
2023: 11.6% (26.2)
2024: 14.9% (24.9)
CAGR: 17.8% (13.4)
For my private stock portfolio & revealing insights into my investment strategy:
I wish you all good fortune in your stock market investing!
Feel free to contact me on: "the name of this channel" + "yt" + "" (the puzzle is to avoid spam)