❯❯ 8 cognitive functions, 16 psychological types, 4 sides of the mind, Enneagram, Neurodiversity & reflections, wisdom
❯ The Universe sent me to raise your consciousness
I use my ability to think deeper to provide another perception/understanding about the cognitive functions, adding the missing pieces & more.
Deep thinking, Analyzes, Thoughts, Experiences, Observations, Understanding, Ideas, Insights, Wisdom...about : Human & Life functioning, to raise our consciousness/awareness
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Psychological type : INTJ - Creative subtype (Dario Nardi) - Subtype ST Achiever (Rational Typology)
Enneatype : 5w6, sp/sx 583
Objective Personality : MM-INTJ-Ni/Fi-SCBP
Neurodivergent : Gifted, Asperger, ADHD
AttitudinalPsyche : LEVF - Visionnary
Human Design : Manifesting Generator, 5/2, Gate 25.5, The Left Angle Cross of Healing (25/46 | 58/52)