Welcome to the Totally Dance channel! With the help of weekly videos we try to bring you easy to follow choreography's and workouts!
The Totally Dance studio is located in the Netherlands (Beverwijk). We teach all kind of dancing styles for kids and adults (Streetdance, kids dance, dance mix, show team, jazz, theater classes, ballet and HipHop). Every year we do a big performance in the local theater where all ages will perform on stage.
We're open for collaborations with Artists, Labels, Dancing Platforms & Brands. Please drop us an e-mail for more info.
ⶠMERCHANDISE: shop.totallydance.nl
ⶠSUBSCRIBE: youtube.com/user/totallydancevideo?sub_confirmatioâŠ
ⶠTIKTOK: vm.tiktok.com/J8ArboC/
ⶠINSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/totallydance/
ⶠFACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/TotallyDance/