Take a chance at life and see what you can accomplish with hard work and putting your mind to the goals you set out to achieve. Have hope that things will turn around and lead you in the direction you want to go do not let other people tell you your dumb or something you are not , let them see the real you for what you really are and they will know you and see you and hear your voice , the ones who are meant to be in your life will be in your life don't let sorrow drag your spirit down, instead lift yourself up by thinking of what can be. You have two hands and one brain out them together and who knows what you will have next. Take care happy holidays. Peace -Dilly
Take a chance at life and see what you can accomplish with hard work and putting your mind to the goals you set out to achieve. Have hope that things will turn around and lead you in the direction you want to go do not let other people tell you your dumb or something you are not , let them see the real you for what you really are and they will know you and see you and hear your voice , the ones who are meant to be in your life will be in your life don't let sorrow drag your spirit down, instead lift yourself up by thinking of what can be. You have two hands and one brain out them together and who knows what you will have next. Take care happy holidays. Peace -Dilly