Hi guys! Welcome to my youtube channel!
I've created this channel in order to teach tips and tricks about art. I know lots of people who are frustrated because they find it really hard to draw which often leads them to question themselves: "Why can he do it? Why can't I?" To be honest, I've also asked myself this question for quite a long time and I found the answer.
It's actually simple: We must stop comparing ourselves to others because each and every one of us is a unique kind of artist. I believe that every person is artistic; they just haven't been showing their full potential.
With that said, it led me to name this channel "peculiART" where I want to help you find that artist inside of you by sharing my own experience of how I found my own.
With lots of love,
your art buddy, peculiART
Hi guys! Welcome to my youtube channel!
I've created this channel in order to teach tips and tricks about art. I know lots of people who are frustrated because they find it really hard to draw which often leads them to question themselves: "Why can he do it? Why can't I?" To be honest, I've also asked myself this question for quite a long time and I found the answer.
It's actually simple: We must stop comparing ourselves to others because each and every one of us is a unique kind of artist. I believe that every person is artistic; they just haven't been showing their full potential.
With that said, it led me to name this channel "peculiART" where I want to help you find that artist inside of you by sharing my own experience of how I found my own.
With lots of love,
your art buddy, peculiART